I’m a curious guy, and have lots of questions about health, and life in general. I assume that you are here at Substack because you have that same trait. The management of migraine headache has less precise answers than most medical problems, and I’d like to do my best to help you find solutions to your version of this predicament.
Right now I have a list of 48 potential topics and questions planned for this blog, most of them stemming from patient presentations and problems from now and in the past. However, if you have a good question for me about migraine headaches to share with the class (anonymously, of course, unless you don’t mind my using your first name) I’d like to move it to the top of my list.
If you can contribute, please let me know what’s on your mind in the comments section below. Thanks for joining me in the conversation!
Are you really a real doctor? I feel like anyone can just claim to be a doctor on the internet nowadays and at this point I don't know who to trust.
My male friend has had migraines since taking the covid shots in 2020. He takes Sumatriptin, and it goes away. He doesn't want to keep taking them. We have tried ginger, he takes a 550mg capsule twice a day. He has taken 4 of those when a headache is starting, and it hasn't helped. I need to read all your posts, but we need some more things to try. Sumatriptin is known for causing rebound headaches, and he does seem to need it every day for a few days, until he can go for a while again without a migraine. But it's too frequent now; he's taking that stuff too often. Thank you