FAQ Episode 56: Update on COVID spike protein levels and migraines.
Frequently Asked Questions about Natural Migraine Relief
I’d like to do an update for you, based on a recent report by COVID therapy pioneer Dr. Peter McCullough on a streamlined protocol aimed at reducing COVID induced spike protein levels.
I addressed this for my paid subscribers in July 2024 in “FAQ Episode 38: COVID and Migraine: The Spike Protein, Long COVID and therapy options.” As I mentioned in that post:
“Several studies show that among the initial responses to an episode of COVID or the the COVID mRNA injection is a significant worsening of vascular headaches in some patients, especially those with a known history of migraine. For most, this will subside within a week of the injections. However, some individuals will continue to have worse than usual headaches long after a COVID infectious episode or a mRNA injection. Many of these patients have elevated spike protein levels. Clearing this protein to diminish the excess immune response is a strategy that has helped many with Long COVID problems, including worsening of headaches.”
In that post I shared multiple specific measures to help degrade and clear the spike protein levels. Dr. McCollough has developed a simplified version of this protocol which may be easier to follow, although probably not as individualized. You can find an outline of the biochemistry and support documentation behind this at McCullough Protocol: Base Spike Detoxification (BSD). (link verified active as of 11/11/2024)
Here’s the nuts and bolts of his recommendations:
nattokinase 2000 fibrin units (FU) twice daily
bromelain 500 mg once daily
curcumin 500 mg twice daily. Look for a product where that total is measured as “95% curcuminoids.” The liposomal version is also a good choice. Curcumin is an excellent non-drug anti-inflammatory agent.
You don’t want to lose the efficacy of nattokinase and bromelain by having them assist in your gut digestion. Plan to take them at least an hour or two apart from a meal so they can do the majority of their work reducing spike protein in the vascular system. The protocol recommends a 90 day trial to assess response on symptoms, which for the case of this post would be a reduction in the frequency and intensity of headaches. If progress is being made, consider adding another 90 days. The dosages of bromelain and curcumin are at the lower range of typical use and could be raised in select individuals if needed.
If you had a particularly bad case of COVID, or have taken one or more “mRNA boosters,” you may need a longer course of therapy.
Remember that almost always the post COVID or vaxx migraine effects are only part of a wider network of root cause factors. I encourage you to continue your self-education process to learn the nuances of your own story and what you need to learn about cleaning up as many potential causitive factors as possible. Stayed tuned to these FAQs for ongoing and up-to-date reports on cause and effect options for migraine management, or you can take a deeper dive to customize that process with the Natural Migraine Relief course.
The three mentioned were: nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin. Unfortunately, studies on the first two are not conclusive, and both could aggravate bleeding disorder under some rare circumstances.
Curcumin has more studies and is generally regarded as safe for both mother and child. As always, intended benefit vs. risk is one's guide in these circumstances and this is ultimately your decision. You may also want to review my post: FAQ Episode 55: Migraine therapy during breastfeeding. https://naturalmigrainerelief.substack.com/p/faq-episode-55-migraine-therapy-during
Are the supplements recommended for the Covid spike protein levels compatible with breastfeeding?